overview |
bitfield: Handle Bitfields to record Meta Data |
create, grow and unpack registry, combine into bitfieldhousekeeping functions |
Decode (unpack) a bitfield |
Build a bitfield from a bit registry |
Create a new registry |
flag mappersfunctions that provide all information to build the flags |
Build a bit flag by checking for cases |
Build a bit flag by checking whether two columns are identical |
Build a bit flag by checking whether values are Inf |
Build a bit flag by counting aspects of an entity |
Build a bit flag by comparing a column with a set |
Build a bit flag by checking whether values are NA |
Build a bit flag by checking whether values are NaN |
Build a bit flag by checking whether values are NULL |
Build a bit flag from a numeric value |
Build a bit flag by checking for a range |
Build a bit flag by checking for the type |
classesnew classes that come with this package |
Bit registry class (S4) and methods |
Print registry in the console (not working yet) |
helpers |
Make a binary value from an integer |
Make an integer from a binary value |
Determine encoding for floating point values |
Determine and write MD5 sum |
example data |
Example table |